
Showing posts from May, 2023

5/19 Reflection

 From my understanding today was the last day to turn in work and final grades were getting put in. My grade in United States history went up from an 86 to a 90 and that’s my grade after the EOC. My grade before the EOC was a 94. On my EOC test I got a 75 so it took my grade down a couple point but it was also better than before so I’m not complaining. Today in class we watched… well attempted to watch it… one of the students had messed up the sound on the computer then Ms.cook was just yelling for no reason… as usual. And kicked us out during lunch because “ she was having a bad day “ pretty chill day though.


 Today was a pretty chill day, we didn’t do much today in class. We watched another movie but Ms.Shade didn’t come so we didn’t switch. The day was pretty chill and layed back which is what I liked about the day. But as usual the distractions in the classroom has been on 10. People doing stuff for attention, I’ve been trying my best to keep my focus and not let things bother me, I also turned in Career research project so now I’m just waiting for him to put it in the grade book.


 Today in Mr. Rease class we took a final exam for Mr. Rease and people was finishing in like 2 minutes thinking it was cute. Mr. Rease was saying people was cheating and stuff but i know I didn’t cheat. I was happy about the grade I ended up getting put in the year book. This was a good end of the school year.


 Today in class we spit up again . My day was way more hectic than yesterday. Everything that has been going on today had been making me very frustrated I’ve been trying not to let it get to me because at the end of the day he’s literally nothing and we not even on the same level. I could have been swooped down to his level but it’s not even worth the energy or time.Today I also decided to transfer to connections academy but I know it takes a while to see if I can get in so it’s a hit or miss. I’m proud of myself at the end of the day tho .

5/15 Reflection

 Today was a pretty chill day for our class. They separated the people who had make up work to do and the people that were passing. We went to Ms.shades class and watched minions and Wednesday. Ms . Rease told me all the make up work I have to do is keep doing my blogs and turn in my career project and I’ll have an A 

5/12 Reflection

 Today in class we did make up work. Ms.Cook gave us an assignment to write 3 paragraphs and she will replace a missing grade in the grade book. Mr. Rease said hypothetically if I did my career research project my grade will go up to a 91. So I wonder what my grade will be with my 91 plus the rest of the grades for the school year. So today was another chill day in Mr. Rease class and we might have to take a final. I don’t know .

5/11 Reflection

 Today in class we didn’t do much because Mr. Rease wasn’t here…. Surprisingly… When we came in Ms.Cook had Pitch perfect on the board so we didn’t do anything but chill for the majority of the class period. It was a chill day for real 

5/10 Reflection

 Today we finished watching the docuemtary about how kids in different countries get to school. After a while He showed us our scores on the EOC. I was very surprised by my scores and I think so was everybody else. I procrastinate a lot and on some of the writing portions  I ran out of space to finish typing my narrative so I just had to make it flow. I was also Surprised to see how much higher my lexile has gotten over the year because I remember at the beginnigh of the year they pulled me because my lexile.

5/9 Reflection

 Today in class A lot of people had a problem with Ms.Cook, which is understandable. A lot of people got 50's for no right reason. She is taking her anger out on us when we don't do nothing to her. So she came in today and said her little piece but people still had an issue with the grade they received. After we were done talking about it we got a worksheet and watched a documentary. The documentary was about how kids all around the world get to school etc. We had a bell ringer about what we have to do everyday at school. BUt it took us awhile for us to get the movie up and running. 


 Today we presented our project about Thailand. Everybody in our group got an  80 except Heaven. She got a hundred which is very understandable. We had a couple days to do our project and to draw a flag for the country that we got. We worked really hard on ours but I felt like our grade could have been a little bit higher and better because we got points deducted off for no reason. 

5/5 Reflection

 Today is Cinco De Mayo. Today Ms.Shade fianlly came back because we didnt switch the day before so we switched today. Mr. Rease let us work on some make up work that we had from that year. We also started on our flag for our Thailand project. Today was just really stressful because I was trying to get all my work done and fit in with everything because with me moving and being so far away from the school its been taking out the time i use to get my work done. Im making progress tho, slowly but surely 

5/4 Reflection

When I came back from being absent for yet another day. We continued to work on our project for Thailand. We had to write about their culture. Also their food and music But before that Ms.coo had us do some bell ringer type work. She wanted us to write about where we wanted to go visit and after we choose a country she wanted us to write about some of the suprising laws they had there. She told us straight up that she wasn't going to grade the assignment, which kinda of made me mad, because whats the point of doing an assignment thats not going to get graded. Anyways we continued to work on our projects and we finished.



When I came back to school after being absent for 2 days Ms.cook was teaching. Sometimes I don't like when she teach because she be yelling for no reason. She gave us a new project to do that was fairly easy. we had to pick one of the countries that she had listed and write about the things she had written down.We picked our group with the people who are in Ms. Shade's room was we didn't have a hard time getting the work done.