
Showing posts from April, 2023



 We wrote more about what we wanted to do after highschool. we had to put it in a powerpoint and we had to also have it on a seperate sheet of paper.we had to go to the website and write everything we knew about that carrer that was choose for us. How long we had to go to school or what degrees we had to get in order to stay in that carrer pathway. Also we learned how much they made per year or even per hour.

4/26 Reflection

 Today we took the Us history EOC. I felt half the stuff that we learned during the whole school year wasn't even on the Eoc. It was somethings that we didnt even learn about. Like Camp david and Jeffery and stuff like that. They Gave us only 35 minutes to complete both parts of the Eoc. Even thou It was only like 21 Questions on both parts and no constructed response. AFter the Eoc we went to first period and I did some makeup work. AFter that we went to Mr.Rease Class to do some work about carrers. And we had to put it in the form of a power point. 



 Today we did a personality Quiz to see where our future carrers could possibly be in. My ended up being somewhere taking care of kids or being an teachers or doing being a personal assistant. For my first carrer I choose to be a kindergarten teacher. The need for kindergarten teachers has risen more and more over time. We did a worksheet on the carrer we chose and we had to write about how much they make, if we thought the employment in this area was going to go up or down 


 Today we didn't do much but what movies in every class. Some teachers gave us a list if work we could do to make sure our grade was good enough or passing. IN My Third  period class we did a review power point then we did a review jeapordy. Then in my first period we watched women king. In Mr. rease class we watched cloudy with a chance of meatballs. Then if Fourth period we didnt do much. 

4/20 Reflection

 Today we took part 2 &3 of the Georgia Milestones. Part 2 of the milestone was fairly easy. we read a handful of passages about multiple things and answered some questions with 2 parts. Then we took part 3 after that we had to also write an narrative today either one part 2 or 3. After the test we went to third period and Ms.Rease let us watch a movie that I choose called Black Box.

4/19 Reflection

 Today we took Part one of the Georgia Milestone. I dont know if they were different but I had to write an Argumentative essay. There were 5 questions in total. There were three multiple choice. One Constructed response and 1 extended response. The extended response was an argumentative essay on where someone can get their full required amount amount of nutrients by just eating plant based foods and nuts. Or does the person have to Animals and other meat to obtain the right amount of nutrients. After the test we went to Mr.Rease class, we to lunch, split and then we went to Ms.Shade room to watch a movie.

4/18 Reflection

 Today in class we read a poem and analyzed it.We then had to start working on the questions that came with the poem , And started character development. We used it to help us prepare for our Georgia Milestones. We went over how to write an Argumentive essasy and an Informational essay. We advised us to use our resources that we went over on the Georgia Milestones practice test. He also advised us to also go over what we wrote and make sure we used the information given to us in both passages. He told us that on the test we would either have to write an Argumentive essay or informational essay.

4/17 Reflection

 Today in class we went over things we need to know about the GMAS. We take the gmas on wednesday and thursday and we have to report to room 351. If we Miss both days to take our gmas ( Regular & Makeup) the credit for that class will not count, it doesnt matter if we are passing. We would have to write an Extended constructed Response thats either Informational or Argumemtative. After that we rad a passage and answered some questions on it 


4/13 Reflection

 Today we had to start writing an argumentative essay .Based off of the two passages we read the day before. We had to choose which side we were on. Would we rather keep artifacts and antiques in museums or give them back to the country of its orgin. I choose to keep them because it seems smarter. I choose that because For entertainment purposes, we can learn from them and keeping them can help prevent damage to them 

4/12 Reflection

 Today in class we were practicing on argumentitive essay's \. He gave us two different Articles about museums. One of the Articles were about Museums being able to keep the Artifacts and Antiques that they collect. The other one was for museums to give them back to where the Antiques originally came from. WE wrote down the claims and the vocabulary words that were in the Passage and tomorrow we are going to Write a argumentative essay on them.

4/11 Reflection

 We went over a Practice test for the American Lit GMASS. After we came back from Lunch We did more practicing for our GMASS. We read a expert from a passage The eyes have it. He wanted us to try to visualize the words that are in the passage and see it as a movie instead of a very long passage- which it is. AFter we was done reading we answered some questions about the passage. 

4/10 Reflection

 Today, Sense you wasn't here we looked at some vocabulary words in the red college book. After that that they gave us this really big package to help us get prepared to take the Gmass. After we was done reading the package we had to answer some questions about the Passage. We take the Gmass on the 19th- 20th