
Showing posts from March, 2023


 Today we read 2 different passages about college. We did research on a college that we wanted to go to then had to do the research on the inner and outter state tuition. After we did that we read and analyzed the passages. The passages were about people going to college and student debt which can be very harmful to your credit score. In one f the passages they talk about how the tuition of college has been going up and Also the college rates have been going up to which I thought was very intresting.


Today we did some Vocabulary words because Mr.Rease wasn't here. We took the words we learned and we did some exersizes on them. We wrote the words in our notebooks and the part of speech and we turned in the words with the definition . We do these words to help practice for the end of course test. We need to make sure that we are able to comprehend the words that we are reading. 

3/29 Reflection

 Today in class we read 2 Poems about Driverless cars. One passage was about how Drivers think that Technology does have its limits and shouldn't have driverless cars. The other Author things that the Automobile Industy should make a big change and start the bigger production of driverless cars. While both Passages agree that Driverless cars would result in less car accidents and Traffic Collisions because its a proven fact that most accidents are Drivers Error.


 Today in class we had to write a 40 line poem. We had to write a poem about something that meant alot to us. I wrote my poem about African Americans and what we been through and what we are defined as today. In the Poem i Expressed that we shouldn't let our history define us but should let it inspire everyone today. The poem is mostly Inspired from African American Women. Most things we do are an Inspiration to other Races, Ethnicity's.

3/27 Reflection

 Today in class we learned and watched videos about a famous acrobat . Then we watched a video on his dad or grandpa falling off the tight rope and dying. then after that we read a poem about an author that compares an Author to an Acrobat. The poem talks about how the Author also uses tricks called figurative Language to keep his audience intact then we did INdependence practice 


 Today in class we took a Test about the The Play Fences and we had to write a 3 paragraph "essay" about either prompt on fences. I choose the prompt about Troy being a liar and how it affected the story and payed along with the Theme. Troy hurt multiple people in the story and sometimes he couldnt see where he was wrong. He lied to Rose over and over about His affair and went back and ended up having a kid with the girl he was having an affair with.


 Today in class ,After finishing the story fences we choose a character and did a project based upon that person. I Choose Troy and I choose Trash. If you were going through Troy's Trash you would find multiple things that reflect on his character. At the beginning of the story Troy can be seen as Nice or even goofy or full of life, in my opinion. AFter the Story progresses I began to like his character less and less and less. 

3/22 Absent


 Today in class we watched the rest of the the story fences. Watching the Play gave me more of a clear Understand of what the story was even about. One of the questions that we had to answer asked us about why Raynell was the last one inside the fence. My answer was related to the fact that there is still hope for African AMerican families.



 Today we Watched the Play for the story Fences and we answered a series of questions about the play. Watching the play gives us more feeling about what was going on because when we was reading it I felt like it just kept going on and on especially how people were reading the story. Watching the Play gave me more feeling about what the Story was actually about. 


3/16 Reflection

 Today we read more of the story Fences and we went Over claims about Rose , Troy, Corey and etc. A claim is something that can be argued.  

3/15 Reflection

 Today we read some of the story fences. We annotated the story and made Claims about the Characters in the story. Lyons, Rose, Troy and Corey. We learned that Rose is often Mistreated by her husband or Or kids Father, Troy. 

3/14 Reflection

 We read more of the story and Annotated some of the story and finished our papers about the story.


3/9 Reflection

 We took a Benchmark Test 

3/8 Reflection

 Today we read another poem by  Robert Frost. I personally think the poem is about Nature. The Author talks about how nothing gold lasts forever. For instance the Garden of Eden was considered Perfect and yet it is no longer here. THe author also talks about the cycle of life in the poem which isn't technically something lasting forever because it dies at one point and comes back.

3/7 Reflection

 Today in class we read a poem that Robert frost wrote. We annotated the poem and talking about connections we made to the story. We found 3 themes that the poem consisted of. Found key words and words we didn't understand or words that we just wanted to know more about, and some words having more then one definition. 


 Today we watched a short video on another poet. Then we read a poem about a 12 year old boy who was doing "big boy" work which resulted in him loosing foccus and cutting his hand off. While the boy was in the Hospital they had given him to much anesthesia which resulted in him dying. We annotated this poem for key words, Themes and unknown words. We wrote about any personal connection we made with the story.

3/3 Reflection

 Today In class we Listened to the rest of the Presentations for the story Ambush.After that we did our Vocabulary work. Hearing the rest of everbody's reflection made me further understand the text 

3/2 Reflection

 Today in class we presented our Ambush Circle group project. My part was the researcher, I wrote some background about the Author and how he served in the Vietnam war. Ambush is a Wartime story Written fictionally but is somewhat based on his time serving. After the groups presented we split up and we took a Quiz on the Story Ambush.

3/1 Reflection

 We worked in groups with the story Ambush. We had our own task to do but we worked together. With the question , " Do you think there is a thing such as a good kill?" My Group said that there isn't because most of the time its usually reflected off PTSD fear or anger and most likely people don't think about the consequences. Not just in the Military but 9/10 you are going to have to have a consequences if you kill someone and thats not the part that people usually think about.