
Showing posts from February, 2023

Reflection 2/28

 Today in class we read a Passage about good and bad killings. We had to Have an argument weather we think its a such thing as a good kill. MY group decided that their isn't a such thing as a good kill for multiple reasons such as Ptsd, and Anxiety etc. After that we answer 10 Questions after reading the passage. 

2/27 Reflection

 We finished our paragraphs about Employees being able to terminate their employees if they have unhealthy habits. We have to argue if we agree ir disagree with this statement

2/24 Reflection

 Today in class we learned how to cite Textual Evidence. And took Notes. We read a Passage about Video Games being a problem and etc. We went on Illuminate and took a 15 question test about the passage we annotated. We had to write If we thought Video game Addiction is a problem.

2/22 Reflection

 Today in class we watched people present their black owned business projects. After that we split classrooms and I presented my project, Then we watched a video on America's black upper- Class. We learned about black owned business and white people.


 Today in class we learned 15 new words. We wrote the words and parts of speech in our notebooks. Then we Wrote our own sentences for each 


 Today in class we analyzed a poem called The Incident which is an event. After that we wrote about a word that is offensive to us and why it is offensive to us. After that we read a poem about a child who got called a Nigger by another kid. After that we wrote a Narrative to finish off the poem about the ittle boy who was called a nigger by another kid.

Reflection 2/15

 Today we had a substitute We Finish our Black Owned Business in Atlanta.

2/14 Reflection

 Today in class we read a Langston Hughes poem " A dream Deferred".  His poem was about our dreams and that we should not give up. Also that Some people may Not have access to the American Dream And we annotated it. After that we wrote Poems about our dreams, Except me She Said she liked My poem so i didn't have to change it. 


 Today we did a Bell Ringer on African American Pledge. After that We watched a little documentary on Maya Angelou and her poem and her life as an African American women. Lastly we did a Project on Black Owned business in Atlanta.




 Today in class we watched an Emily Dickinson Videos and learned about her life and poems.Then we got her quotes and analyzed and found the theme and the conflict. Emily Dickinson Poems came off very depresssing and she had a lot of love intrest in her life 

Reflection 2/8

 In class we watched previews about Emily Dickinson movies and Series. We Took a list of quotes and analyzed them to find the theme and conflict.

Reflection 2/7

 Today in class we learned about ownership and development. We learned about what different people had different views on the topic. we did a cluster full of information who we thought had the better opinion.


 Today we got our own poem and we had to  analyzed the poem. We had to do a pager about the poem and answer questions about it. We also Analyzed a poem about getting over a breakup and litting our heart heal . Them poem was by Emily Dickinson. 


 Today in class we read a poem about Loosing yourself mentally. Then we Made real world connections to the poem. We learned how to analyze and brake down a text to further understand its meaning. 

Reflection 1/31

 In class We Read a poem about being nobody and being somebody. Then we wrote about either being somebody or nobody and we still did arguments on our topic and wrote a compromise.Today I learned that If you a considered boring and regular you are somebody but if you are differnt you are considered nobody.